I am a list person and my December list has started. Presents, food, drink, cards and whilst pondering on this I realised we put far to much pressure on ourselves for the perfect Christmas or perfect party or gathering. When I look back on my past christmases I think of the people, the fun, the gatherings and parties we have had and the silly games. I tend to forget the things that maybe have not gone too well and I try to be kind to myself.
Here are a few tips that I hope help you.
Give yourself permission to relax and recharge even if it is just 30 minutes. This can reduce the risk of becoming ill when the festive holiday starts.
To reduce the impact of alcohol make sure you are eating lots of healthy foods to help the liver to manage the extra burden, starting the day with a spinach omelette or having a broccoli quiche for lunch is perfect for supporting the liver.
Always making sure you have eaten some food especially protein before starting drinking can help the stomach lining too. Festive protein sources such as turkey, chicken. Salmon , nuts, tempeh, lentils or edamame beans are great choices.
Drinking water between alcohol drinks can help keep you hydrated and keep the hangover at bay whilst helping your liver survive the festive period.
Make sure you have a varied diet full of the whole spectrum of coloured fruits and vegetables to help provide your body with the vitamins and minerals that can help your immune system to function better.
To reduce that reflux make sure you eat slowly and chew thoroughly as this will help your stomach to cope better. Eating slowly can also help you not to overeat. When the stomach is too full the muscle at the top of the stomach is more likely to remain open allowing stomach acid to escape. Make sure most of your food is consumed three hours before bed
A tasty recipe to try consisting of those little red jewels called  pomegranates which boost our immunity, improve heart health, reduce inflammation and great for brain health and that marmite food brussel sprouts. Brussel sprouts are a cruciferous vegetable which promotes  liver health and hormone regulation.
Treat yourself to a Winter Power Hour with me.
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