We think that as we get old its important to keep our bodies working and healthy. This is most certainly true but a great fear of many is losing that sharpness in our memory or forgetting how to do tasks we previously did without any effort .Of course there are always some who have great genes and regardless of lifestyle choices they defy the odds.
A few simple steps to improve our odds are:
Eat a diet rich in colourful fruits and vegetables. The brighter the colour the better is is for us. The blue zone diet encourages people to eat nuts/seeds, vegetables, fruit, grains, olive oil. It is a lifestyle without refined sugar or processed foods. In addition eating is a social time and should be something to be savoured and enjoyed in the company of others.
Take regular exercise and keep our bodies moving. Ideally a combination of strengthening and cardio exercises . Walking, cycling, swimming, yoga, pilates, tai chi to name a few. Dancing is a great way to boost mood and keep active .
Reduce Stress. This is often easier said than done in our fast moving lives. Plan a daily activity that you enjoy and prioritise it. This also could tie in with doing exercise as that is a stress buster. Read a book, put some candles on , have an epsom salt bath with relaxing oils(lavender is a favourite). You could start a journal. Strangely writing your worries and thoughts down can reduce your stress. Don’t feel guilty giving yourself the self-care you deserve.
Get enough sleep. A question I often ask my clients is “ do you wake up feeling refreshed?” To re-phrase this I would suggest get enough quality sleep. Humans vary hugely in the amount of sleep they require to function well and although 8 hours is the recommended many need more or less. Exclude screens from the bedroom. Make sure your bedroom is a comfortable temperature and you have a routine before bed which is kind to your body and moves you into sleep mode and encourages melatonin to be released.Conversely when we wake in the morning get outside to shift the body into day mode and increase our cortisol levels. A dog is always a great motivator in getting outside first thing for that morning.
Keep trying new things. Our brains need stimulation to keep those connections working. Learn a new skill, a language, play table tennis, crosswords, scrabble…the list is endless. Don’t get stuck in a rut…push yourself outside your comfort zone. You will be amazed how good it feels.
Ask questions and keep a keen interest in the world around you. If you take an interest in people and life in general it becomes richer experience. You will find people are interested in you and your experiences and thoughts because you show an interest in them.
Oral health. This seems a funny one but think of it like this. Our mouth is close to our brain and if our oral hygiene is not optimal then harmful bacteria can move to our brain or other organs such as the heart and lungs and increase the chance of disease.
I hope that has given you a few hints and tips to inspire you to think about the today for the tomorrow you are wishing for.